A Platform for Future Weather Files

Energy Plus Weather (EPW) files are a pillar of energetic design in the built enrivonment. With this platform scientists, engineers, and designers can now easily access Global Climate Models and their outputs and withe click of a button apply the potential future climate conditiosn to EPW files that they are using for their own work.

Uncertain Conditions

The future of the climate is anything less than certain. Our ability to model and simulate the complex interactions that constitute the climate improves with every year but our capacity ot predict human behavior is still relegated to scenario prediction. Thus in this platform we provide access to an ensemble of possible warming scenarios, but also the percentiles potential within each scenario.

Website Overview

In the 'About' tab there is information about the morphing method that is applied in this application. This is a form of downscaling larger climate models both spatially and temporally into the form of an EPW. The 'Morpher' tab contains an interactive application for anyone with an EPW file.